giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

Papers Please V1.1.65 Trainer +1

Author: MrAntiFun
Game version: v1.1.65
Number of functions: 1
Creation date: 23.11.2015

In this article you can download Papers, Please cheats. This trainer +1 has been created by MrAntiFun for game version 1.1.65. All cheats on our site you can download without registration, so this hack available for download free. With this trainer you will get the advantage in your game. But first, a bit of information about the game.
Papers, Please is a dystopian document thriller from American developer Lucas Pope, is an oppressive marvel. The kind of game that makes you thankful for an independent scene that bristles with daring and invention. Where else, for instance, could you cast yourself as a border control officer of a fictional Eastern Bloc country in the aftermath of war with its neighbours? It’s the antithesis of the traditional video game hero, instead you are a tiny, dirty cog in a vast totalitarian machine, ready to tread on the hopes of refugees in exchange for the few credits of pay that will feed your family for the night.

giovedì 2 luglio 2015

Project Car PC Hack!

Current Trainers:

Project Cars V1.00 Trainer +2 -- 32 bit Game

Project Cars V1.00 64Bit Trainer +2

  1. Inf.Fuel
  2. Freeze Opponents

Batman Arkham Knight V1.00 Trainer +9

Batman Arkham Knight V1.00 Trainer +9



  1. Vita Infinita
  2. Vita Infinita Veicolo
  3. Lancia granate instantaneo
  4. Punti abilità infiniti
  5. Lvl. Esperienza infinito
  6. Ricarica Razzi Instantaneo
  7. Turbo Infinito
  8. Congela il tempo
  9. Vola in aria

  • Apri le statistiche del personaggio dove vedi la tua esperienza e i punti abilità per attivare il trucco dell'esperienza e dell'abilità

  • Usa Congela tempo solo quando c'è n'è bisogno.



    1. Inf.Health
    2. Inf.Health Vehicle
    3. Instant Grenades Launcher Cooldown
    4. Inf.Skill Points
    5. Max Exp Of Current Level
    6. Instant Rockets Charge
    7. Inf.AfterBurn
    8. Freeze Timer
    9. Fly Up

    • Open character stats where you can see exp and skill points amount to get the exp and skill points cheats effect.
    • Use Freeze Time only when needed .

    giovedì 9 aprile 2015

    Garry's Mod Hack

    Player Boxes
    Health Bars
    Visual Check
    Boxes Width

    x64 Bit Support
    Windows 8 Support

    GMOD Public 1.0

    How to use                                                         Come usare
    Run the exe, then start your game                           Eseguire il .exe, e aprire il gioco
    Make sure to turn off multicore rendering                 Accertati di spegnere il rendering multicore
    Press insert to toggle the menu                               Premere insert per attivare il menu
    Navigate the menu with the arrow keys                     Muoviti nel menu con le freccie




    martedì 7 aprile 2015

    Hack Subnautica V. 13089 Feb.15



    - Vita infinita
    - Cibo infinito
    - Sete infinita
    - Ossigeno infinito

    • Aprire prima il mondo di gioco e poi attivare i trucchi.




    Start game world first then activate the cheats.


    domenica 5 aprile 2015

    The Escapist Trainer Hack +7


    Current Trainers:
    The Escapists V0.75.0.0 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V0.796 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V0.9 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V0.96 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V1.00 Trainer +7


    1. Inf.Health
    2. Inf.Cash
    3. No Heat
    4. No Fatigue
    5. Max Strength
    6. Max Speed
    7. Max Intellect

    • Attivare il trainer quando il gioco è nel menu principale, Attivare la forza la velocità e l'intelligenza quando entri nel mondo di gioco.
    • Fai attenzione che tu esegua il gioco da "TheEscapist_eur.exe", O usando il launcher ed eseguendo il gioco in lingua ma si certo di avere "TheEscapist_eur.exe" nella cartella del gioco.


    Current Trainers:
    The Escapists V0.75.0.0 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V0.796 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V0.9 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V0.96 Trainer +7
    The Escapists V1.00 Trainer +7


    1. Inf.Health
    2. Inf.Cash
    3. No Heat
    4. No Fatigue
    5. Max Strength
    6. Max Speed
    7. Max Intellect

    • Activate the trainer in the game main menu , Activate Strength , Speed and Intellect when you enter game world.
    • Make sure you running the game from "TheEscapists_eur.exe" , Or use the launcher and run game in English but make sure you have "TheEscapists_eur.exe" in game folder .